Many formats, one message: “We Love the Same” – A campaign countering disinformation in Romania
Case StudiesWhen the Personal gets Political – A Story from Kazakhstan
Case StudiesTalking about Transgender rights on the US Campaign Trail
Case StudiesHow to make campaigning happy – A story from The Philippines
Case StudiesHungary : Stupid questions get clever answers
Case StudiesWhen your campaign provokes backlash, campaign more!
Case StudiesGoing regional: experience of campaigning across Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Case StudiesProviding the right information : Raising awareness on Trans issues in Germany
Case StudiesIntersex Awareness Week –
Case StudiesChanging the narrative on Violence against Women in India
Case StudiesCampaigning with childhood pictures
Case StudiesCampaigning in highly polarised contexts – the example of Trans rights in the UK
Case StudiesAccept cookies to enter… Human Rights
Case StudiesCats, Fish and Mermaids defy censorship in Russia
Case StudiesArmenia’s campaign on violence against queer women looks inside too
Case StudiesVietnam: Going viral with the Ministry of Health
Case StudiesLive and Let Love in Sri Lanka
Case StudiesCampaigning for Trans Rights in Spain – Part 1: Preparing the campaign with research
Case StudiesCampaigning for Trans Rights in Spain – Part 2: Going deep into Social Listening
Case StudiesCampaigning for Trans Rights in Spain – Part 3: And…Action!
Case StudiesTaking LGBTQI+ activism to new heights
Case StudiesSex Workers Win a Seat at the Table: Coalition Building to Influence the European Parliament
Case StudiesSpeaking up without words in Russia
Case StudiesTargeting Chemsex at its roots
Case StudiesNailing equality in Japan
Case StudiesHow to avoid Rainbow washing: lessons from Hong Kong
Case StudiesReady? steady, go Turkey!
Case StudiesLessons from a Donation campaign in Ukraine
Case StudiesJapanese Manhole Covers マンホール蓋
TacticsA UN campaign animates real life stories of LGBTQI+ migrants
Case StudiesFair Play ? How pro and anti-Trans movements compete over similar frames
Case StudiesBaby steps in Japan: one step at a time towards victory
Case StudiesStories from History – How shedding light on the past brightens the future
TacticsAnimate your activism in videos
TacticsLGBTQI+ mobilising under a global pandemic – best practice for inspiration
TacticsStaying safe ? Send your hologram to protest!
TacticsIs it a luxury? Talking LGBT in China
Case StudiesEach campaign needs a good symbol
Case StudiesCampaigning with podcasts
Case StudiesRise and Shine: When Sexual and Gender Minorities fuel protests for Democracy in Thailand
Case StudiesHow Same-Sex Marriage campaigning gets strategic in China
Case StudiesNothing to Cure – Young Mexicans confront Conversion “therapies”
Case StudiesRaise the pride, without raising red flag – Story from Shanghai
TacticsSarajevan Pride Ride – How queer activists from Bosnia marked the 2nd Sarajevo Pride March under COVID-19
Case StudiesMexican Jews don’t want homophobia. And “Neither do I” !
Case StudiesPolish Stonewall – Some food for campaigner thought
Case StudiesCensored ? Play it on the radio
TacticsCreative activism under social distancing – Lessons from the Polish Feminist movement
Case StudiesThe sky’s the limit for Ukrainian Pride
Case StudiesDon’t give up the fight – Digital activism in times of COVID-19
TacticsHeart to Heart – choosing the right messengers in Suriname
Case StudiesDrawing Near: How Portraits bring Transgender and Intersex People to Life
Case StudiesWhen Art + Activism = Artivism: Creativity across Silos in South Africa
Case StudiesFrom the frontlines: Normalising LGBTQI+ people in Jamaica
Case StudiesSafe Spaces makes it get better in Mexico
Case StudiesWhen Victory is not enough: Marriage Equality in Costa Rica Aims for Deep Acceptance
Case StudiesQueerFest – A Decade of Russian Resistance
Case Studies“Vote for …ME”: How a Polish campaign avoided the usual danger zone of national elections
Case StudiesMaking it personal: Intersex Lives Matter !
Case StudiesFighting Sexual Violence with Participatory Theatre in Ghana
Case StudiesLet it be…known: Serbia’s award winning campaign reclaims tradition to promote acceptance
Case StudiesWhat’s the Time in Brazil? It’s Now !
Case StudiesPride House pops up in Japan for Rugby
Case Studies“Happy Pride, Odessa!”
Case StudiesHIV Testing parties – How a crazy idea got working in Mexico
Case StudiesStaying on Track in Fiji
Case StudiesVery Visibly “Transparent” – Getting Trans issues on the agenda
Case StudiesThe fight for “fun”damental rights for sex workers in South Africa
Case StudiesEngaging on sexuality, gender identity and…periods: lessons and videos from Lebanon
Case StudiesReady4Repeal: Singapore gets ready 4 its future
Case StudiesLessons from the Irish Abortion Campaign
Case StudiesTaiwan: Same sex couples “between Heaven and Earth”
Case Studies“Unapologetic, Black and Gay” – A Positive Sexual Health Campaign
Case StudiesMeet with the woman using art and fashion to change LGBTI lives in Uganda
TacticsChange the narrative: how a Swiss group is beating rightwing populists
Case Studies“Kill them with Kindness” tactic : Racist YouTube videos get a refugee pre-roll ‘ad’ in Germany
TacticsWanna be heard? Wear Lipstick!
Case StudiesIntrovert? Try Craftivism to join the fight
Case Studies“Love More, Give More” for the Global Fund: A Love Letter Campaign on Valentines Day
Case StudiesHandbag Tossing and River Pride – Stories of Myanmar’s LGBTQI festival
Case StudiesDropping the defense: hopeful stories fight stigma in Hungary
Case StudiesSeeking protection in allies – A lesson from women in Sri Lanka
Case Studies, TacticsTalk of the Town – How Ireland won the right to abortion, one story at a time
Case StudiesRomania: winning when you can’t win!
Case StudiesHow Campaigning has Contributed to the Decriminalization of Homosexuality in India
Case StudiesPost a Rainbow – Share Love
Case StudiesInteractive campaigning: Action against hate speech
Case StudiesRussian Sisters and Brothers are Here for You
Case StudiesA “Traditionally” Russian campaign
Case StudiesBed Time Stories to Change Hearts and Minds in Croatia
Case StudiesInsight’s insights: “Words Hurt” in Ukraine too
Case StudiesTestXXX: An HIV behaviour-change campaign across Asian countries
Case StudiesWhere love is illegal – portraits from behind the curtain
Case StudiesArts and Farts for Creative Activism
TacticsTrans bodies deserve love—this campaign celebrates their beauty
Case StudiesSpice up your Campaign – A resource full of ideas
TacticsRainbow Life Museum: Forging a community-led movement for acceptance in Cambodia
Case StudiesHow Ireland’s Referendum on Abortion Beat Dark Ads
Case StudiesThe Road to YES – How Marriage Equality was Won Down Under
Case StudiesFighting for Acceptance – A story of liberation in Timor-Leste
Case StudiesHUGS FOREVER !
Case StudiesQueer Hugs spreads a ton of love & awareness in India
TacticsClapping Transphobia away in South Asia
Case StudiesVietnam: say “I do” !
Case StudiesPink Dot: the true colors of Singapore
Case StudiesKISS with Comic Strips in Singapore
Case Studies, TacticsFrom Macedonia With Love ….For All
Case StudiesA Grand’Ma and a good dose of humour to advocate for acceptance
Case StudiesGetting Attention in Armenia!
Case StudiesMaking the Space a Safe Space
TacticsDelivering your Online Petition – Make it Creative
Tactics“You say pride, I say proud”- How framing matters in the Middle East
Case Studies(P)reaching across the divide: Campaigning on the religious front in Poland
Case StudiesStamping out homophobia in China
Case StudiesVirtual Reality, Real Virtues
TacticsHook up with your Activism
TacticsActivists are movie heroes!
TacticsNepal : Blending LGBTI Pride into Tradition
Case StudiesIt Takes Penises and Male Butts to Fight Sexual Harassment in Mexico City
TacticsFighting homophobia in Brazil with…. Eggplants!
Case Studies12 year old disrupts giant anti-LGBT rally
Tactics“Pop Up!” for Diversity
Case StudiesMarriage Equality Referendum in Slovenia – an Uphill Battle
Case StudiesExpose your opponents’ logic by taking it to extremes
TacticsLet’s Talk about HIV in India
Case StudiesLessons from Freedom to Marry campaign: Messaging, Messengers and Public Support
Case StudiesAttract Attention!
TacticsMake a Detour on Pop Culture
TacticsMake Love (Constitutional) in Kosovo
Case StudiesFight the Fear in Moldova
Case StudiesSmile, Bulgaria, you’re on candid camera
Case StudiesOver the Rainbow (Crossing)
TacticsLesbians Wish You a Safe Journey to Macedonia
Case StudiesParents rock!
TacticsCycle for Love – the full story behind Albania’s IDAHOT Bike (P)rides!
Case StudiesLighting your city bridge in Rainbow colors – the full story behind the Brisbane IDAHOT action
Case StudiesStripped of your rights? Strip for them!
TacticsTired of being pink-washed? Try Brandalism
TacticsShow numbers
TacticsSing along
TacticsAiring your protest
Case Studies, TacticsDance your protest
TacticsMake your fight iconic!
TacticsShow oppression its ugly face
TacticsConfront stereotypes
TacticsJust a minute….of noise!
TacticsGuerilla Gardening
TacticsRainbow Flash mobs – voices from Ukraine
Case Studies, TacticsCreating a safe space with a Freedom Festival – voices from Liberia
Case StudiesGo fly a kite in Singapore
Case StudiesThe Art of Art Protest
TacticsThe writing’s on the wall
TacticsKiss hate away
TacticsSay it with flowers
TacticsMaking the invisible visible – A genius idea from a bookstore
TacticsIf they won’t listen, disrupt the debate!
TacticsScreen your cause
TacticsSoap box protest
TacticsBEST OF!
TacticsHow the Yes was won: the inside story of the marriage referendum in Ireland
Case StudiesHand-Holding Flashmob or Human Chain
TacticsStrike a Pose… with a Poster!
TacticsPowerful action: Be (In)visible !
Case Studies, TacticsTabling your Arguments
Case Studies, TacticsPhotographed and Proud in Myanmar
Case StudiesInvert the logic : A Cure for Homophobia
TacticsRaising the Rainbow Flag
Case Studies, TacticsChip in with a Potato
TacticsInsider story: New Delhi’s first ever Queer Flash-mob
Case StudiesDocumenting Homophobia for Campaigning
Case StudiesChalk a Rainbow in your school – Stories from Thailand
Case Studies, TacticsFree Hugs from Portugal
Case Studies, Tactics