SOGI-campaigns is our collective work to show our successes, reflect on our challenges, explore creative tactics, make new friends and have fun!
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See what creative campaigners have come up with worldwide.
Many formats, one message: “We Love the Same” – A campaign countering disinformation in Romania
Case StudiesWhen the Personal gets Political – A Story from Kazakhstan
Case StudiesTalking about Transgender rights on the US Campaign Trail
Case StudiesHow to make campaigning happy – A story from The Philippines
Case StudiesHungary : Stupid questions get clever answers
Case StudiesWhen your campaign provokes backlash, campaign more!
Case StudiesGoing regional: experience of campaigning across Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Case StudiesProviding the right information : Raising awareness on Trans issues in Germany
Case StudiesIntersex Awareness Week –
Case StudiesChanging the narrative on Violence against Women in India
Case StudiesCampaigning with childhood pictures
Case StudiesCampaigning in highly polarised contexts – the example of Trans rights in the UK
Case Studies
Building Strategies
Step by step to effective public campaigning
Access all strategy articles via the sections below
Food for thought and strategic reflections on campaigning and movement building. Does street action work? How are different struggles intersecting ? What makes alliances effective? And many more debates unpacked
Campaigning needs careful strategizing. Are we following the right objective? Are we targeting the right people? Are our tactics in line with our objective? Do we have the resources for our plans? Some articles here to start the conversations.
Social media can be the single most powerful driver for your public campaign. But how well are you using them? Are you fully aware of the limitations and how to navigate around them? What else is there in digital campaigning ? This and more in this section
Stay Safe
While using social media and other sites for campaigning, or even just browsing, it is important to reduce the risks of your online presence and stay safe online. This section offers advice on your safety, and that of your members and supporters
“Changing hearts and minds” is easier said than done. Who exactly do you think you can influence? And what messages will work? And how will you know if they did? This section offers lots of insights into what makes communication successful.
Street Action
Take your action to the streets
When it is possible to safely take your protest to the streets, there are many ways to do this in a creative and innovative way, that will galvanise your supporters and stun the media. Find out more in this section.
Stories shape our world visions and they have the power to change the world. This section explores what makes a good story and how they can fit into your campaign to help you win the battle.
Campaigning strategies are often constrained by lack of resources. This section explores how to push the boundaries of what can be done.
Media Coverage
Wondering how you can still get some media attention, among all this “noise”? And how to avoid bad media? This section is for you
Art has a very unique power to reach the hearts of people. This section sheds light on how Arts and Activism can work hand in hand.