Crafting Headlines for Change: The Art and Science of Petition Titles

An interesting article was published on on how to edit effective titles for campaigns.

In essence, the article draws from the experience of 164.000 petitions launched in English over the past few years.

Insights include that :

  • Tone and first words are important. The analysis dissects the impact of the use of semantics that are either positive or negative, related to virtue, to power, etc.
  • The correlation between length of title and effectiveness is far from obvious. Long can be better on some occasions
  • To name a clear target helps get support. The higher the target, the better.
  • Petitions against companies gain high traction
  • A petition title that clearly states a location attracts more signatures
  • Using Hashtags in titles leads to more engagement, even though there is no hashtag functionality on website

Access the full article, charts, and detailed insights HERE