Changing Hearts & Minds
“Neither revolution nor reformation can ultimately change a society, rather you must tell a more powerful tale, one so persuasive that it sweeps away the old myths and becomes the preferred story”.
Ivan Illich,
from Storytelling of Myth-making
The world is a place of conflicting and converging interests.
People around the earth come together with their allies and fight their opponents over their vision of what makes a better future.
The alliances and the fights can be for land or other resources like water and energy sources.
They can also be for ideas and values. And nowhere is this battle more visible than on the front of sexuality and gender.
So it’s a culture war that is being waged. And the future belongs to the ones that will win it
Campaigning is
the art of waging
these battles.
There are specific learning outcomes throughout the lessons
Comprehension check
This learning interactivity will check your base knowledge around the art and science to campaigning. These are for example multiple choice questions. You will be required to complete this type of interaction before accessing the next screen.
Interaction !
This interactivity will suggest that you contribute your own thoughts, ideas, experience to generate discussions with fellow learners. These contributions are totally optional, but of course we would love to have them !
Deep dive
These learning activities will need you to pause, take some time and dive deep into building knowledge and engaging with theory. These “deep dives” are not a requirement, but we strongly recommend you to check them out if you want to become a stronger campaigner.
Tool for Campaigners
Wherever you see this purple mascot you are accessing and engaging with a tool that we think is really useful to keep track of.
Case study
Sometimes the best way to understand something is to see it in action or read about the people making it happen!