Homonationalism and the Creation of “Executive LGBT”


Jasbir Puar’s book Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times introduces readers to the notion of homonationalism which is a coupling of Lisa Duggan’s Homonormativity. Homonationalism however differs in that it is poststructural critique of nationalism and develops a conceptual framework to analyze and understand how “acceptance” and “tolerance” of lesbians and gay men becomes the litmus test for neoliberal economic and racial practices in the West and a way of rereading national sovereignty, sexual rights, and democracy in the 21st century.

Further Reading:

Jasbir K. Puar, Terrorist Assemblages: homonationalism in queer times (Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2007). See also her collected writings at http://www.jasbirpuar.com/.

No Homonationalism – A Collection of Active Writings and Resources for Organic Intellectuals

Gay Rights as Human Rights: Pinkwashing Homonationalism

Problematic Proximities, Or why Critiques of “Gay Imperialism” Matter